“At the end of Yoga Nidra, I was ‘in the Zone’ – that delicious relaxation that I sometimes get during a massage. Being guided through Yoga Nidra is the only other experience where I’ve felt that delicious relaxation.”

Deep Relaxation & Beyond
Online Workshops with Kevin
7-8:15pm Central Time
Friday, Apr 26
- Are you feeling tired or tense?
- Would you like to have more energy, be more relaxed?
- Would you like to improve your memory and concentration?
- Would you like to free yourself from emotional reactivity and negativity?
*Price: $25.
*Please register early, payment must be received at the latest by 5pm CT on the day of the workshop.
To Pay: Make Payment
Once payment is received, a link will be emailed to you.
Yoga Nidra induces deep relaxation throughout your entire body and mind and enables you to eliminate stress and can help resolve personal problems and trauma. It can neutralize anxiety, fear, anger, depression and insomnia. It teaches you how to enter deep meditation, and in its ultimate form, Yoga Nidra helps you be with the mystery of life and such questions as, “Who am I?” and “What is enlightenment?”
Yoga Nidra is an ancient form of yogic meditation. Kevin teaches a modern adaptation of Yoga Nidra, also called iRest®, developed by his main Yoga Nidra teacher, Richard Miller. Yoga Nidra helps you break free of self-limiting patterns, emotions and beliefs so that you may live a contented life, free of conflict, anxiety and suffering. In its ultimate form, Yoga Nidra reveals the secret of enlightenment and introduces you to your True Nature as joyful and radiant Presence.
There are many studies that have proven the efficacy of relaxation and meditation. The great thing about Yoga Nidra is that it eases you into meditation, effortlessly, through the valley of deep relaxation. You find yourself ascending the slopes of meditation without even “trying to meditate”. All this while lying down! It can also be practiced seated or standing, and then throughout one’s daily life.
This practice offers tangible tools to:
- profoundly relax
- deeply rejuvenate
- sleep well
- improve your digestion, memory, and concentration
- de-stress
- support your immune system
- reduce pain and fatigue
- improve your flexibility
- resolve personal problems and trauma
- neutralize anxiety, fear, anger, depression, and insomnia.
- Your practice space is warm enough.
- You will not be disturbed during practice.
- Enough cushioning on the floor for you to lie on your back for 45 minutes or so.
- A blanket to cover yourself with, if you wish.
- A blanket to fold to support your head and neck, if you need that to keep your neck neutral.
- A bolster, or could be a couple of blankets rolled together, to put behind your knees. Some people like another bolster, possibly a bit smaller, to put underneath your ankles/heels.

What People Are Saying About Yoga Nidra:
“Wow… did i sleep well after that class… yummmm”
“I’m a busy person, my mind is always active. But after Yoga Nidra my mind was completely clear.”
“In yin and restorative yoga during meditation I am often uncomfortable and I shift my body around a lot. In Yoga Nidra I found that I was completely relaxed; it’s the most relaxed I have ever been in my life.”
“I have a weekly massage that I get so I can relax. After Yoga Nidra I was as relaxed as I am when I get a massage.”
“In the body scan section of Yoga Nidra I felt completely released into the floor, so relaxed. I never sleep entirely through the night, so this is a big gift to me to be able to relax and experience that rest.”
“It’s like when you feel the warmth and glow of stepping into the sun. Except, with Yoga Nidra, that glow is coming from inside.”